ESG: Environmental Sustainability
Our dedication to environmental responsibility is demonstrated by our serious approach to reducing our carbon footprint in line with global climate change objectives.
At Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, we recognise that technology plays a dual role in the environmental equation, presenting both challenges and solutions. Conscientiously addressing this duality, we are deeply committed to environmental compliance and actively contributing to the fight against climate change.
Our dedication to environmental responsibility is exemplified by our participation in the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), demonstrating our serious approach to reducing our carbon footprint in line with global climate change objectives.
Understanding the importance of innovation in sustainability, we are also focused on developing solutions that enable our partners and customers to adapt to an evolving environmental landscape while promoting environmental sustainability in business. This commitment to environmental stewardship is reflected in multiple initiatives aimed at minimizing our ecological footprint and implementing sustainability practices in business. We are taking significant steps to optimize our packaging, reduce the energy consumption of our solutions, promote remote work, and encourage a transition to cloud computing while offering environmentally conscious products.
In addition, we are beginning to implement the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for our solutions and embarking on a transformation towards circular economy practices and environmentally sustainable products. This shift not only reflects our dedication to sustainability and social responsibility but also our commitment to reducing the environmental impact of our products throughout their lifecycle with technology for good.
By integrating these strategies, ALE is not just responding to environmental challenges but is also empowering our customers and communities to embrace a more sustainable future. Our journey towards environmental responsibility is ongoing, and we are dedicated to implementing practices that contribute positively to our planet and society.
Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit
Wir verpflichten uns, die Umwelt zu schützen und unsere Betriebsabläufe so zu gestalten, dass sie möglichst wenige negativen Folgen für den Planeten haben. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise entwickelt Produkte, die die lokale, nationale und internationale Umweltgesetzgebung einhalten, verfolgt schädliche Substanzen und beseitigt verbotene Substanzen aus seinen Produkten. In der ALE Environmental Policy (ALE Umweltpolitik) sind die Schritte festgelegt, die wir zur Erreichung unserer Ziele unternehmen.
Außerdem halten wir uns an die neuesten Vorschriften und Standards, um Ihre Daten, Netzwerke und Informationen zu schützen und gleichzeitig unsere umweltfreundlichen Arbeitsverfahren beizubehalten. Lesen Sie mehr über ALE Standards & Regulatory Compliance.
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