a table with chairs and plants

ESG: Environmental Sustainability

Our dedication to environmental responsibility is demonstrated by our serious approach to reducing our carbon footprint in line with global climate change objectives.

Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit

Lesen Sie unseren Blog

woman using mobile phone with tall buildings in the background

Creating a better world through sustainable architecture

Smart buildings use IoT, OT and IT to minimize environmental impact and make our lives more convenient and pleasant.

A man and woman at a wind farm

The upside of disruption: Building a Sustainable Future - P…

Sustainability and leadership through VUCA

Manage disruption with a business intelligence strategy

The upside of disruption: Leverage business intelligence - …

Navigate challenges and opportunities with a proactive business intelligence strategy and commitment to a sustainable future.

A hand and some building blocks.

Sustainable product design program: A view from our Termina…

The eco-design "MakCCIng Durable” program transformed the way the ALE team designs terminals.

Bericht über Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung 2023

ESG-Bericht 2023
