
LETTER Stiftung

Alcatel-Lucent OXO Connect Evolution solution offers modern IP telephony and integrated access to the cloud-based Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow application.

  • Paese: Germania
  • Settore: Altro
  • Soluzione: Comunicazioni cloud, Rainbow, Unified Communication, Autonomous Network, Servizio clienti, Soluzioni e dispositivi connessi, Piccole e medie imprese, Sicurezza

LETTER Stiftung, established in 1993, is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the promotion of art and culture. The foundation researches and promotes visual artists and their works, and collects printed graphics and sculptures prior to 1930, which it makes accessible to the public for exhibitions and also for long-term loans. LETTER Stiftung works with museums, research institutes and universities and enables young art historians to gain professional experience.

a close up of a logo
State-of-the-art functionality, end-to-end connectivity, accessibility from any location, low IT costs: the All-IP solution meets all our expectations.
Dr. Camilla G. Kaul, Managing Director

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