Ocala Fiber Network customer reference page header

Ocala Fiber Network

A vision to deliver broadband services created cost savings and provided vital connectivity to education and healthcare customers during a crisis.

  • 국가: 미국
  • 산업: 에너지 및 공공사업
  • 해결책: 데이터 센터, 가혹한 환경 조건, Digital Age Networking, Digital Age Networking, 가혹한 환경 조건

Ocala Fiber Network in Florida evolved from the City of Ocala electric utility two decades ago. Its purpose: deliver a range of broadband Internet services based on the build-out of a 100 percent fiber network for city agencies as well as citizens. The network was modernized with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switches to deliver higher speeds with better network management and performance. And through a global health crisis, OFN proved its value to its customers.

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The OmniSwitch switches are the part of the brain that makes us work. All our ALE switches are vital in all the connections and delivering services across our network. ALE provides a great piece of equipment. My engineers say they like the simplicity of it and most importantly, the support they get.
Mel Poole, Director of Ocala Fiber Network

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